Most salespeople make presentations extolling all the reasons why their product is better than their competitor’s products. Then they ask the prospect to buy. Sometimes it works and sometimes the prospect does not agree with one of the reasons to buy and that sinks the whole deal.
There is a better way. My way. Wouldn’t you have been disappointed if I didn’t say that? My way is called stacking. Visualize stacking pancakes. Each point that you make about your product should stand alone as a reason to buy. Then when you stack one upon the other, the argument becomes compelling.
For example, let’s say you offer a lifetime warranty. That should be reason enough to separate you from the field. You offer exceptional payment terms. That should be reason enough to buy from you. You have a local service department. That should be reason enough to buy from you. You have the best financial offer. That should be reason enough to buy from you. Then if the customer says that they think a competitor does one of those things as well as you do, you are still an overwhelming choice.
Make each point stand on its own by stacking and watch you sales start stacking money in your bank account.
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